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Building Systems
(what is productive architecture?)

Project Name: Circular Food Economy and its Architecture

Site Context:

The chosen site of intervention is a hybrid space of BMC infrastructure of garage for vehicles, dump yard for discarded vehicles, drainage department, Grahak Panchayat office adjoining the walled nallah in Juhu, Mumbai and carries multiple form of city refuse (automobile, furniture, wastewater etc.) This necessary urban infrastructure consumes or provides resources of and for the city respectively. While this stands true it lacks to provide opportunities to interact with the high density and sprawling neighbourhood public at large because of the insular and inward planning.

Design Concern:

The customers of the local eateries occupy the footpath for eating which restricts pedestrian movement there, the cooking and eating conditions of the eateries there have been compromised due to a lack of space. The space as observed doesn't seem to have much female crowd as it is a heavily male-dominated area. The design also intends to make the space feel more gender-neutral. 

Design Question:

How can the architecture of eating and growing food help in blurring the existing landscape to create a common, communal experience?

Site Demarcation:

site demarcation (1).jpg

Existing Site Model (1:200):


Existing Site Plan:

Site plan Samkit_page-0001.jpg

Existing Site Section:

Existing site section_1.jpg

Site Images:

IMG20221121125852 (1).jpg

Nalla adjacent to the eateries

Shops/Vendors aligning the footpath

Seating/cooking conditions of the eateries. Hygiene of the food and space is being compromised due to lack of planning. The intent is to create a communal dining experience keeping in mind the affordability and hygiene.


Shops adjacent the eateries aligning the road (Courtyard like)

Site Analysis:

site for ananlysis layout.jpg
sun path diagram.jpg

Network Diagram:

The network diagram was made to understand the different 'systems' that exist on the site and to come up with a resource to start developing a system which will form the overall design intervention. 

We chose the main resource as FOOD. And how growing, eating, decomposing food can form a system.


  • Community Dining Spaces - 98 sq.m

  • Community Kitchens - 173 sq.m

  • Reed Bed System

  • Nurseries - 48 sq.m (closed)

  • Workshop Space

  • Admin Office - 4 sq.m

  • Storage Unit - 1.8 sq.m

  • Toilets - 40.6 sq.m

Conceptual Ideas/sketches/models:


Existing Eateries Plan:

Site Plan with Intervention:

1912 plan render.jpg

Programs with Zoning:

zoning with programs.jpg

Design Sections:

Jury section 1 annotated.jpg
final jury section 2.jpg

System Diagram/Details:

system diagram.jpg


JURY VIEW 1 render.jpg

Design Intervention

Pathways connecting kitchen and dining

Spaces for seating and leisure at points

Workshop and Storage Space

Other works from this studio can be found here.

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