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Arthur Rimbaud (experience and space)

Looking through the eyes of a rebellious 17-year-old French poet, Arthur Rimbaud, we explored his views with his poems. The process for this module was particularly very interesting. For its first stage, we started collecting objects that had some sort of resemblance to the poem we read. As for me, Rimbaud's 'summer nights' struck me. When he mentions the term 'tarnished halos', I interpret it as something that once held a lot of significance has been tarnished by something or some event. Keeping that in mind, we turned the objects into a physicality. Somewhere in finding objects that were tarnished, I reached my mother's closet. finding my late grandmother's shawl to my dad's old motorcycle gloves, all were something we didn't use but couldn't get rid of it either. Seeing those objects after such a long time felt like peeping into their stories. The installation further developed into a text about its experience and then into a drawing and then a performative act.


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WhatsApp Image 2022-05-26 at 7.36_edited.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2022-05-26 at 7.36_edited.jpg

Views from each of the boxes


"Should I be peeping here?" It feels rather secretive. "The fabric looks beautiful, i wonder how it feels?" only to caress it and find out it's in fact quite rugged now, with loose strands here and there, it must be quite old to keep it now.  It feels like watching something private. "What this supposed to be seen? Should I stop?"  "Ahh is that broken glass?" should've been more careful with that one. 
"Wait is that a film camera in there?" these used to be so popular back in days, they need to bring them back soon. "
"My hands fit perfectly in these gloves too" quite rough on the inside though.
everything seems rather big here. Moves the peephole around a bit more finding an old box In the corner, shaking it a bit makes a low thud sound, opening up the cover reveals a rusty medal on the inside, peeping a little closely and you can still read the engraved letters on it.


Reference Image


Shifting vantages: Gargi Somani, Shreyash Bharmal, Parth Kocharekar, Heeya Mashru, Shravani Patil, Soham Lokhande, Parth Agarwal, Sahil Sawant


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